Friday, March 12, 2010


Skin breakouts, constipation, headaches, aches and pains, low immunity, allergies, food sensitivities…..these can be common symptoms of toxicity in the body. Spring is the perfect time to rid yourself of toxic buildup and junk in the trunk – and an opportune time to liberate things from your closets, cupboards, and life that are getting in the way of your experience of radiant health and energy.

Many of my clients decide they want to “do a cleanse” and get all fired up to drink lemon water with cayenne pepper (and a few other ingredients) for a month straight in order to lose weight and feel better. I am not a huge fan of intense cleanses myself, unless they are supervised by a professional and you are in a supportive environment that allows you the freedom to experience the symptoms, emotions, and potential healing crisis that can occur as a result.

Some people love the high they get when they shift from their daily SAD (Standard American Diet) to a hard core cleanse, which may include fasting, herbs, and juices. If this type of process works for you, fabulous! However, if you are looking for more than a quick “tune -up,” and want to establish long term, healthier patterns based on a knowledge of what specific foods work for your body, then a more gradual method may suit you better.

I encourage a gentle and mindful approach broken down into stages, so that the body doesn’t freak out from too many changes all at once. First, begin to eliminate major toxic culprits and start “eating clean”. Take as much time as you need to remove or greatly reduce the following: Refined grains and sugar (the white stuff), alcohol, caffeine, nicotine or other chemicals, and processed foods. This is a great time to rid your pantry and fridge of items that aren’t in line with your goals. If junk food is not immediately accessible it will be less likely to end up on your plate.

Add regular exercise to your routine. The lymphatic system (which defends the body against disease) relies on your movement to help rid the system of toxins. Even a brisk walk will help if you are short on time. Get outdoors for fresh air and breathe deeply; five minutes breathing mindfully and connecting with nature can give you stress reducing perspective on life and positively impact the food choices you make for the remainder of the day! In addition to cleaning up your diet and adding or increasing physical exercise, you will benefit from observing your current habits. An important part of learning what foods work for you is to journal what you eat. Take note of everything, including beverages and supplements. Note the following: What, When, Why (this is to note emotional triggers to behavior), and How. (How did you feel afterward, physically, mentally, emotionally?) You might even consider journaling what you eat for a week before you make any changes at all so you have an experience of the difference.

Once you are acclimated to these dietary and behavioral adjustments, you can take it to the next stage if you wish. This could involve fasting and/or detoxifying your organs with herbs and specific recipes and juices. I strongly recommend that you do some research and check in with a qualified health care professional to rule out any health issues before you embark on a detoxifying or fasting program.

Pay attention to the process - you will notice that as you cleanse the temple of your body, other important areas of your life start to de-clutter as well. Either because you are feeling more energetic and inspired or because the new lifestyle causes you to let go of certain people or behaviors that no longer serve your highest good. It’s all connected, so be ready!

Which brings me to the point of the importance of community –  I witness more transformation and success when people come together with a shared goal in mind and a plan to hold each other accountable. So get a few friends together to join you on this clean eating/pre-detoxifying program and enjoy the feeling of supporting others and being supported! Set yourself up for success.

So Phase One in a nutshell:

• Out with the old and nasty

• In with the new and clean

• Move your body

• Breathe fresh air

• Journal your process

• Engage in community support

Starting with these steps can take several weeks, but will be well worth it if what you want is sustainable change and long term health and vitality.

For more information on clean eating:

Eat Clean Diet for Men, by Tosca Reno

Click HERE for an article on food journaling:
