Sunday, January 30, 2011

Roasted Cauliflower-The new Candy!

Cauliflower - this cruciferous relative of broccoli and cabbage packs only 25 calories per cup, so INDULGE! You don't have to gnaw on it raw, or drown it in aVelveeta cheese-like substance to make it palitable....Try roasting it, which brings out its natural, sweet, and rich flavor.  Oh, and my 2 year old son? Eats it by the fistful.  Let that be a testament.

As you enjoy this delightful, guilt free treat, know this:  it abounds in cancer-fighting properties and helps the liver to neutralize toxic substances. One cup supplies loads of folate, fiber, and vitamins B6, C, and K.  The hybrid orange cauliflower is packed with 25 times more beta-carotene than its white counterpart.

Here's my favorite recipe:
1-2 heads of cauliflower, cut into florets
4-8 teaspoons olive oil
Fresh  juice of a lemon
Pink Himalayan sea salt

Toss the cauliflower in olive oil until thoroughly coated.  Sprinkle with fresh squeezed lemon, sea salt and pepper to taste. Toss again.
Spread onto a baking sheet and roast in the oven in the top position at 425 F. Cauliflower is done when slightly browned and fork-tender, approximately 15 minutes.
