Thursday, August 20, 2009


Looking in your fridge can give you an objective peek at what goes into your body on a regular basis. I'll go first. Here is what is in my refrigerator at this very moment.

All of these ingredients are ORGANIC as well:

sliced watermelon
chickpeas and kidney beans
peanut butter
low fat milk
1/2 and 1/2
coconut water
orange juice
apple juice and apples
earth balance natural butter spread
cheddar cheese
whole wheat bread
whole wheat wraps
limes and lemons (for veggie smoothies)
various condiments like toasted sesame oil, balsamic vinegar, etc.
an old rotisserie chicken that I should remove
my husband's month old Mountain Dew (he drinks them on road trips)
flax seed oil
fish oil supplements

You can do the same thing with your cupboards and freezer. Look at some of the cans you have, or boxed/premade foods. Do they have added salt? Artifical colors? MSG? Hydrogenated fats? Just notice. No need to judge yourself.

Take compassionate inventory.

What kinds of healthy items could you bring into your home that would start to "crowd out" the less healthy options? Every time you shop, replace one item with a healthier version. For example, replace regular milk with organic, or replace chips with yummy, whole grain crackers.

Before you know it, you will open your fridge and cupboards and find them full of wholesome, nutritious, life giving foods that energize you for the life you want to live.


Friday, August 14, 2009

Super Green Energizer Smoothie!

This smoothie is inspired by David Wolfe, raw foodie extraordinaire. It's rejuvenating, cleansing, loaded with calcium, magnesium, vitamins and minerals to feed your cells and make 'em happy!

You need a decent blender to pull this recipe off though-since we are blending everything whole.

1/2 bunch of green kale (curly kind)
2 carrots
4-6 stalks of celery
1 apple
1 cucumber
1 whole lemon (peeled and seeded)

Blend all these ingredients together with enough water to make a drinkable consistency. You may have to add a few things at a time and blend. This will make several servings. I re-use glass bottles with screw top lids (from 16oz or so size juices). Fill the jars up 3/4 of the way and the rest with apple juice. This sweetens it a bit, but if you are in a hard-core green mood, just use water. Tastes so great when super cold too!

USE ALL ORGANIC INGREDIENTS! There is no sense in blending up a bunch of pesticides and drinking them in copious amounts.

The color of this smoothie is so incredibly alive, and once you have had it a few times you will fine tune it to your own tastes. It has been known to squelch a sweet tooth and other not-so healthy cravings.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Meditation-What do you need right now?

One of my favorite meditations to share when I am teaching a yoga class or guiding a client deeply into themselves is this:
Sit quietly, feeling the support beneath you.
Breathe deeply into your lower belly, and relax the body with each exhale.
Once you are feeling centered, bring your awareness to your heart center.
Ask these three questions, and openly receive the first answer that comes to you:

1) What does my body need?
2) What does my heart need?
3) What does my mind need?

Allow there to be a pause and several deep breaths between the answers.
This is a great brief meditation to do to focus your awareness and nurture a loving dialogue with your body, mind, and spirit in the midst of a busy day (and life!)
