Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Meditation-What do you need right now?

One of my favorite meditations to share when I am teaching a yoga class or guiding a client deeply into themselves is this:
Sit quietly, feeling the support beneath you.
Breathe deeply into your lower belly, and relax the body with each exhale.
Once you are feeling centered, bring your awareness to your heart center.
Ask these three questions, and openly receive the first answer that comes to you:

1) What does my body need?
2) What does my heart need?
3) What does my mind need?

Allow there to be a pause and several deep breaths between the answers.
This is a great brief meditation to do to focus your awareness and nurture a loving dialogue with your body, mind, and spirit in the midst of a busy day (and life!)


1 comment:

  1. Kendra, I'm honored to be the first reader of your new blog. Your energy drink sounds scrumptous and I can hardly wait to whip up a batch for Dan and me. I'm putting the ingredients on my shopping list now.

    The meditation you've suggested is beautiful and I know that my meditation practice will be enhanced by using it. Asking and then listening for Spirit guidance ... no better way to have a personal relationship with the Creator of all things.

    The only way it could be improved is to be able to close my eyes and let your voice lead me even deeper.


