Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Recipe Is Not The Meal!

Do you get excited about joining a gym and all the benefits it will create in your life?  Do you feel inspired when you see recipes for healthy food and make a list for the grocery store? Do you ever look up personal trainers or nutritionists, counselors, or any other health advocate with the intention to follow through?

Do you go as far as to write out a new "schedule" that includes all the things in your life that you know you need to be doing to support yourself and your wellbeing, or the wellbeing of your relationships and family?

I know I have.  And I have many clients who have the best of intentions...weight loss, improved relationships, exercise, you name it. 

There is something exciting about the planning stage, the imagining phase, of any new journey we decide to take.  We can see how good we will look, and can imagine how great we will feel, envision our quality of life improving. This is the just the "recipe."   We often lose momentum when we allow life's challenges to work their way into our kitchen!

In order to enjoy the "meal"  of (fill in the blank, wellness, health, abundance) we need to gather the necessary ingredients.  These ingredients may include information, resources, SUPPORT, and time managment adjustments,  to name a few.   But we can't stop there.  We have to put those ingredients together to create our intentions.  ACTION is often the missing ingredient. And just as a good soup needs a hardy stock as its base, so too do we need a base - called COMMITMENT.  My clients hear me saying time and again that "your commitment must be bigger than your circumstances."

What is the life recipe you find yourself thinking about all the time?  Are you ready to taste the success of your commitment in action?

Take your recipe out of the box and enjoy  it as the meal you intend it to be!


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