Friday, December 4, 2009

Healthy PB & J!

I know peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are a comfort food for many. They are also filling and offer a good source of protein and carbs (if you don't use Skippy or Jif on white bread with processed jelly)  Ohhhh, did I just take the fun out of it? Supermarket peanut butter has added sugar and almost always has hydrogenated fat-aka, POISON, in order to keep it's shelf life nice and long.  White bread fills your belly but  doesn't feed your cells with good nutrition.  Even many so called whole wheat breads have added high fructose corn syrup and preservatives.  When you buy wheat bread it must say 100% whole wheat and have that listed as the first ingredient.  If it says "made WITH whole wheat" you are being played. Jams and jellies usually have an immense amount of white sugar and food coloring added as well.  If you have kids, it's great to start them out on their pb & j careers with a taste for a more wholesome version of this favorite.

So, are you ready for my version? 

Instead of wheat bread or white bread, try a hardier, more sustaining bread made from spelt. Spelt is an ancient grain, older than wheat, good for those sensitive to wheat, which offers high protein and a good amount of fiber-plus it is important to have variety in the diet!  You can get spelt bread in the frozen department of a health food store (I like the sourdough version) -or buy "sprouted" grain breads that retain their vitamins and enzyme activity.

Use a NATURAL peanut butter, with no added sugars and just a hint of salt if you need it.  Health food stores sell it and even supermarkets are starting to offer healthier versions.  You could also try ALMOND or CASHEW butter for a change.  Almonds are an exceptional source of nutrition.

Buy jam or jelly that has no added food coloring and minimal sugars added.  I make my own and it takes literally 30 seconds.  Here is the recipe:

Handful of organic fresh raspberries
 A SQUIRT of agave nectar (great sweetener that is easy on your blood sugar, similar to honey)
Mash this up with a fork and spread it on!

Remember, just because something says its NATURAL doesn't mean it is.  Take the time to read the ingredients on the back and decide for yourself.

There you go-I hope you try this recipe and enjoy it!  Your body will thank you.


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